Sig:Ar:Tyr Just Dropped Their First New Song In 6 Years
Sig:Ar:Tyr has long been one of our favorite folky black metal projects. With three albums under their collective belts, this band, guided by the bands mastermind Daemonskald have rapidly made a name for themselves as masters of a genre God forgot. Now they are preparing to come back with a new record Northen their first in 6 years. Now we at Hammerheart Records give you a special advance listen of their track ‘Vinland’!
For the uninitiated – Sig:Ar:Tyr have been around since 2003, and for most of that time were Daemonskalds solo project. On this latest recording Daemonskald has brought in a full band featuring members of Vesperia and Battlesoul to help spread his unique brand of heavy metal fury. The projects first three records are all beloved in the folk metal community but many had wondered what had happened to this prince of the genre. It seems like Daemonskald had just disappeared for a bit o come back with what is, quite frankly, his best material to date – music that resonates across the centuries and calls forth music reminiscent of Bathory or even Burzum all whilst invoking a sound that is very much their own.
Featuring more of the bands beloved viking metal Sig:Ar:Tyr proves that as per usual their distinct blend of genres and potent instrumentations speak to something older and more powerful deep within every one of us. The sheer authenticity of the band rings true as always and if ‘Vinland’ is any indication then Sig:Ar:Tyr are on to create even bigger and better things. This is one of our most hotly anticipated releases of 2016, and it is an absolute honor to be debuting this track.