Hammerheart Records



Tankard’s debut “Zombie Attack” is a thrash metal classic. As part of the Teutonic Big 4, they often get overlooked because of their beer-soaked, party lyrics, but that’s exactly what makes them fun. Thrash doesn’t always have to be serious, and this album proves it! The riffs are simple, catchy, and full of energy, blending Thrash intensity with a Punk-like vibe. The production is solid, giving the guitars a crunchier, more vibrant sound than many other bands at the time.

Gerre’s vocals are a highlight, his charismatic delivery, along with his distinctive German accent, adds charm and makes the songs even more memorable. Every track on “Zombie Attack” is a short, catchy blast of Thrash Metal goodness, with standouts like “Zombie Attack,” “Acid Death,” “Mercenary,” and “Maniac Forces”. Released in 1986, a golden year for thrash, this album stands as Tankard’s best and remains a must-listen for any fan of the genre.