HHR2012-27 F.U.B.A.R. - LEAD US TO WAR

Release date: 18 June 2012

Download 'F.U.B.A.R. - Lead Us To War'

The record to show the world violent music is made in Holland too!

Somewhere in 2001 the guys soon to be F.U.B.A.R. established an old school grindcore band called I scream: Protest. They only played 2 gigs and after kicking out the only original member they changed their name and recorded their first demo under the name of F.U.B.A.R. With a demo in hands they started to play as much as possible and soon after F.U.B.A.R. started to write new songs for their first release, a split with American grinders: Catheter.

After that more shows followed, festivals as Obscene extreme, Bloodshedfest and with bands such as Phobia, My Minds Mine, Autoritär, Last Days Of Humanity, Regurgitate, Sculs And Flames, Sayyadina. 2005 was a good year for F.U.B.A.R., they were very happy to release their first full length CD on Bones Brigade Records... And they also got on a plane to do a tour in Brazil! Back home F.U.B.A.R. started to work on an split with our friends of Blood I Bleed. And after they saw Splitter play F.U.B.A.R. decided it also would be very nice to do a split with them. More shows and more releases followed.

F.U.B.A.R. did a few European tours and played Hellfest some more tours and a lot of shows around Europe. In 2009 and 2010 F.U.B.A.R. stayed very active with more small minor releases. And finaly after too many years, they started to write songs for a new full length CD/LP. When Hammerheart Records heard this record that had to grasp it with both hands, if only to prove that this kind of music is made on the most intense level in Europe too. Recorded by the infamous J.B. (of Herder, DrDoom) and thus blessed with a fantastic, powerful production F.U.B.A.R. is ready to take it to the next level... if you are afraid, you are right!

And of course more gigs to follow shortly!

Recommended if you like: Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Phobia, Magrudergrind, Napalm Death


01. Everything Is Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition
02. The Demon Rose From Greed
03. Grief
04. I Scream Protest!
05. Beasts As They Are
06. Requiem For Peace
07. Dysfunctional Parts Of the Machine
08. The Iron Cage Of Hope
09. Let Them Control
10. Communication Into Nothing
11. Lead Us To War
12. Worst Unfolding Tragedy
13. The Curse Is Upon Us
14. The Burden On The Back Of The Unknown Men
15. The Nail Facing Downwards
16. Flip The Coin
17. Doomsday Has Crossed The Horizon
18. Misplaced Faith
19. Damage Control
20. The Doom Tornado
21. Scaring The Monsters
22. The Sting Of Our Collective Conscience
